
Hotel Properzio's Blog

Castelluccio di Norcia Flowering

About the end of may and July, Castelluccio di Norcia is a teste of particular event the Flowering.
The valley during the flowering is a mosaic of color from yellow to red.

1845 // No comment

I Ceri di Gubbio

There are two basic hypotheses about the origin of “I CERI”: one religious and one pagan.
The first, which is well-documented and set, out sees the festival as a solemn act of devotion on the part of the Eugubini towards their Bishop Ubaldo Baldassini.
The second theory sees the festival as being a continuation of a pagan festival in honour of Ceres, goddess of the harvest.

2099 // No comment


Every year on the Corpus Christi day (9th sunday after Easter) in Spello (10 km. far from us), takes places the Infiorata event.
With the great variety of fresh flowers and herbs night-long, real paintings and carpets are constructed, along all the roads used by the Corpus Christi procession.

1766 // No comment

Gaite Market

The market Gaite takes its inspiration from the division of Bevagna in four Gaite or Guaite, ie quarters, which was headed by the civil and political organization of the city in medieval times.

1737 // No comment

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